Woke up very early by my standards - 6.30A.M.Weather was tender, Sun not yet in it's full fury.Thought will go upstairs, atleast in a weekend, to enjoy fresh breeze.The next 15 mins:
A squirrel, hanging like an acrobat, munching away the seeds of what looks like tamarind.Another one does the same but in a less risky way:-)
I was interrupted by the movement of our never-say-die bird - the crow.It perched itself comfortably on the adjoining tree, probably wiating for it's breakfast.
I saw a sparrow eating the seeds in a nearby flower tree.
Can our friend bee be far off if flowers are near-by?
When i gazed on the roadside, saw 3 puppies playing with each other, unmindful of the passing vehicles.
I heard a noise nearby and saw 2 crows sitting in our rooftop close-by.
What is that - is it dust? A watched it closely - it was white in color.Not sure, i tried to catch it could not catch any of them. Hmm. finally managed to catch one of them - wow, it is a tiny little white fly!
If these many of our beloved partners can live just near my home, which is definitely not green by any standards, how many could live in the planet?
It is not only about the 1411 Tigers of india that matters.The world is full of beautiful lives full of activity, can never ever be created by mortal men like us even in our wildest dreams.A great remainder, early in the morning!